The Allegheny County Transit Council is citizen advisory council  representing riders in the Pittsburgh Urban Area.

It all started as a volunteer initiative in 1984. Established by Act 76 of the Commonwealth General Assembly in 1986, The Allegheny Public Transit Council is the official voice of Port Authority consumers. As a Citizens Advisory Council we represent the riding public interest to Port Authority regarding the delivery of transit service in metropolitan Pittsburgh.

A diverse group of people from many backgrounds, we are all committed to making public transportation work for the people of Allegheny County and the Region.

For more information  or in order to become a member of our organization contact ACTC:

 by mail :    Allegheny County Transit Council, 345 Sixth Avenue, Third Floor, Pittsburgh PA 15222-2527
 by e-mailactransitcouncil@gmail.com

We are also on:

Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/alleghenytransitcouncil
Twitter: @ACTranCoun
YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/actransitcouncil